Why specify couples vs. relationships?
Not everyone seeking collaborative care with a loved one is in a couple, or can easily define their relationship. Some relationships involve more than two people. Some are seeking guidance and mediation regarding whether they should pursue separation, are hoping to co-parent successfully, or have already "un-coupled". For these reasons and more, I find it important to make this distinction. *Relationships actively experiencing any kind of abuse are not a fit for couples/relationship therapy and will receive appropriate referrals. Each individual party to the relationship seeking collaborative therapy will be required to complete an intimate partner violence screening at intake.*
What’s the deal with insurance and couples & relationship counseling?
In order to accept insurance for this service, one person must be given a mental health diagnosis. Labeling one person as the “problem” can be antithetical to the treatment itself. Additionally, insurance companies may not reimburse for couples therapy as it is not considered "medically necessary". I firmly believe that transparency is an essential part of the therapeutic process and happy to answer any questions regarding financial and diagnostic concerns.
Do you only work with pregnant or postpartum-related issues?
No! I have experience working with a variety of populations and mental health concerns, including anxiety and panic disorders, depression and other mood disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorders, and more. At this time, I do not provide services for anyone under the age of 18, or those with high risk factors (active recurrent self-injury, suicidal ideation, or frequent or recent hospitalizations, for example). Exceptions will be made based on protective factors such as participation in other therapeutic care. Please schedule a consultation to see if we are a good fit.
What if I am a mental health professional seeking supervision?
Contact me directly for more information. Supervisory hours can be provided for LMSWs and LMHCs.